To get a nice looking report, complete other information in cells and print.Ĭlick this link to download the Microsoft Excel file.

Also if you put in the desired maximum error, it will tell you whether test passed or failed. Now you just have to put in your URV and LRV to get your test points,enter your as founds, and errors will be automatically calculated. The workbook that I designed has a sheet for 4-20 mA,1-5 Vdc, and 3-15 psi output results. I then started thinking about the calibration sheet we do in other ISA courses and thought it would be fun to see if I could put in the formulas to calculate error and automatically plot them on a chart. We then used the chart wizard and selected a scatter point type of chart.

The spreadsheet we did for the Applying Motor Controls and Drives course shows the voltage and hertz relationship. This blog post was authored by Mark Weisner, technical specialist at ISA.